Home Brands CBD For The People

CBD For The People

CBD For The People’s company mission compels them to bring consumers quality and affordability with their merchandise. Further, they recognize the many reported mind and body benefits of taking CBD. They want to bring those purported benefits to the people in their many CBD products.

To CBD For The People, quality means providing full-spectrum lab results at every phase of CBD extraction. Also, they certify their goods as non-GMO with only organic ingredients. They heat-activate their CBD after using super critical CO2 to extract it from the source hemp. Finally, they test everything to make sure that their CBD formulas are 100% free of residual solvents, contaminants, pesticides, and heavy metals. They claim total commitment to product purity and perfection.

Affordability, says the company, means putting people before profits. They support home growing hemp, but the legality of doing so remains restricted. Therefore, they see themselves as providing a service to those who can’t grow but want the benefits of CBD. There are those people who need CBD, but can’t afford other brands’ higher prices. For those people, they strive to produce high quality, lab-tested CBD products that are inexpensive.

The company chose the name CBD For The People because they seek a reputation for taking good care of their customers. If they offer a great product at a reasonable price, then they figure the customers will also take care of them. In their way of thinking, it’s a win-win situation because everybody gets something. Customers get inexpensive, quality CBD while they achieve success for their business.

Dr. Ganja currently offers three different varieties of their salve in 400mg strength:  lavender, lemon grass, and tea tree.