How You Can Use CBD to Quit Smoking


The Challenge Of Quitting Cigarettes

Smoking affects 14 of every 100 adults every day. The best way to start this is to explain how nicotine affects the body and how this habit has gotten so many Americans addicted. Nicotine dependence is the term used and related to the addiction to nicotine other words tobacco more commonly in the form of a cigarette.

When you’re dependent on something you can’t quit or stop it. When most people want to smoke it’s usually because they want the effects their body gets from the nicotine. A lot of tobacco users state they experience mental and physical changes. They want to relieve stress, socially or with pleasure. You must first find your reason for smoking to better understand your addiction. Maybe it’s a pattern in your life maybe you only smoke with a beer or coffee perhaps you only smoke after you eat or on a work break.

Common Alternatives To Smoking

When smokers want to quit they tend to find a replacement. Some use food, sweets or maybe even another addiction. When quitting sometimes these things come into play and is usually the first step and how they start the quitting process.

How Nicotine Affects Our Brain

Nicotine is so addictive because of the way it affects our brain. The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells that release chemicals known as neurotransmitters basically and a nicotine molecule is shaped similar to a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This specific neurotransmitter contributes to many bodily functions from breathing, muscle functions, heart rate and more. They also can release hormones that can affect your memory, mood and with some people even appetite this list can go on.

One of the ways nicotine gets people addicted is how it affects our brain by activating areas that can raise our dopamine levels. What does that mean you might be asking? Dopamine is our pleasure molecule. This is the same molecule that is associated with more serious drug-related addictions such as heroin and cocaine. THC can also affect our dopamine levels.

How CBD Can Help You Quit

Now let’s dig a little deeper and explain how CBD can help with a strong addiction such as nicotine. If you don’t already know it has no psychoactive properties which mean you won’t get high, which is a common misunderstanding among new CBD users when they relate CBD to THC. we have an endocannabinoid system which can suppress GABA inhibitors so when they get suppressed our body naturally increases dopamine production.

Some Helpful Effects Of CBD

So how can CBD help someone quit smoking? Well let me start by telling you CBD reduces anxiety levels some even say it reduces stress. Replacing a cigarette with a Dr.Ganja pre-rolled CBD hemp flower blunt would eliminate the oral fixation of needing to smoke. Without stress or anxiety the need and wants to smoke decreases, so you may no longer have the urge to smoke if that was your reasoning.

CBD is a calming with pain relief best described without the crazy side effects similar to opioid prescriptions. If you attempted to quit smoking and switched to a vaporizer try a CBD vape liquid found on Dr.Ganja instead of a nicotine-based liquid. Some people like to roll cigarettes and with the accessibility and wide selection of CBD hemp flower available Dr.Ganja you can also roll cigarettes and have an oral fixation replacement.

What CBD Is And What It Isn’t

Since CBD has no psychoactive properties, it’s not physically addictive. If you’re new to CBD it can be very scary because there are a lot of people who don’t understand what CBD is.

CBD is always mistaken as marijuana and getting a person high which is not at all true. When trying CBD I always say take a walking start. Just remember to take it slow like starting in the shallow end, a low dose is best and increase as you see fit for your own lifestyle. CBD has many benefits and is worth the try to help you quit something as bad for your body as nicotine.

These are solely my onions with some factual evidence to support. I always recommend learning about your endocannabinoid system and how CBD affects you to better understand what you’re taking.

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