CBD is supposed to be the miracle cure-all plant, right? I mean, it has reportedly helped millions of people recover from illness, anxiety, and all sorts of problems. So, shouldn’t it work? Well, it does work and that’s a personal review from my own experience. CBD is an amazing plant that has helped millions and it can help you, too! Yet, sometimes it may not feel that way. The good news is that you’re not immune to CBD.
It actually is working for you, even when you don’t think it is! It just might not be giving you the results you want in a timely manner, which can be extremely frustrating. So, why isn’t CBD working for you? Well, here are five potential reasons as to why that may be.
1. Incorrect CBD Dosage.
Sometimes, we give ourselves CBD in hopes that it is just going to zap our pain away. That’s exactly what I began to do when I first discovered CBD. It was like my cure-all answer I obsessed over. Yet, your body is unique to you, so you have to measure out the right dosage for your specific body. Start out with a low dose and increase it until you find the right amount. You may even want to check out our CBD Forum to find more information.
2. Different CBD Brands.
Just with the dosage amount, you have to find what CBD brand is right for you! One product may be my absolute favorite go-to product while another might be yours. Even though they are different products, they are still both great products that are beneficial. Luckily enough, here at Dr. Ganja, we only provide the highest quality of oils, so you’ll only get the best products that are out there, regardless of what you choose. Check out the various vetted CBD Brands that we carry.
3. Timing.
CBD is helpful, but it does take time. If you’re anything like myself, you’re probably impatient with the healing process, especially if you have some sort of ailment. Be patient and take it step by step, day by day and give the CBD products a chance to work with you.
4. Biology and Physical Health.
Some bodies have higher levels of endocannabinoid in their body just due to their genetic make-up. Crazy, right? Even as a female, I’m going to react more than a male might, which is kind of beneficial for myself. Sorry to all the males out there! Females are just more sensitive to CBD than males are.
5. Lifestyle and tolerance.
Everything in your life is going to affect how CBD reacts to you. I mean, even when you change the way you eat, the plant will work differently. It’s insane! When I switched my diet to all – raw, the plant became crazy potent for myself. It was like I was given a brand new body for the plant to work on. So, pay attention to your lifestyle! It matters. Even try switching up some of the amazing products that we sell here at Dr.Ganja. If you’ve been using oils, maybe try an edible because it might just make that huge difference that you’re looking for!
The truth is that Dr.Ganja and CBD is only there to help you, so don’t beat yourself up if it’s not working because it probably is!