Urb Delta-8 Nano-Gummies Review


As a longtime consumer, I do like me some edibles. While I enjoy smoking and vaping, edibles offer a different experience. Ingesting offers slower release than inhaling. And the relief lasts longer. Edibles are also more discreet for public use.

I have had a good deal of experience with CBD edibles. But I had never before eaten a delta-8 THC treat. In fact, I had only recently vaped some delta-8. This particular cannabinoid is still new to me. There’s a good initial feel that fades out within half-an-hour or so. The effects seemed to last comparably to regular delta-9 THC.

After vaping, it seemed like a logical next step to try an edible. Someone suggested these Urb nano-gummies. Gummies make for good edibles. What’s nice is they dissolve in your mouth pretty quickly after some chewing. That way the cannabinoid gets into your system faster.

I was unfamiliar with Urb as a company, so I thought I would take a look and see what information I could find.

Who is Urb?

The initial find of my internet research was a pleasant one. It turns out that Urb is actually part of the Lifted Made company. That is a brand that I was very familiar with. They have a solid reputation for quality CBD from hemp. Urb Finest Flowers is their division that specializes in delta-8 products. And both companies together are owned by publicly-traded Acquired Sales Corp.

I felt reassured that the nano-gummies were good stuff. They had the same commitment to quality that the parent company stands for. That’s important because you want the company that makes your edibles to be reputable. And, to care about the efficacy of products and how they can help customers.

Specializing in a particular product focuses on everything from the packaging to the manufacture. This gave me high expectations for what I was about to sample.

Next, I want to know what was in the chewy treats.

Urb Delta-8 Nano-Gummies: Product Specifications

  • Product Size: 10-piece package
  • Strength: 10mg each – a total package volume of 100mgdelta-8 THC
  • Suggested Use: Pullapart cubed gummies. Pop one in your mouth. Wait several minutes for the effects to settle in fully. After that, take as needed or desired.
  • Cautions: delta-8 has psychotropic effects, so don’t drive after taking this product. It is a good idea to consult your doctor before use.
  • Ingredients:gelatin, maltodextrin, stevia leaf extract, sugar, adipic acid (for tartness), contains less than 2% of artificial flavor, disodium phosphate and sodium citrate (control acidity), fumaric acid (for tartness), potassium sorbate (preservative aid), tannic acid, red40, 100% pure sunflower lecithin, citric acid, water, and hemp-derived delta-8 THC
  • Contains less than 0.3% delta-9.
  • 25 calories per piece

Appearance, Labeling and First Impressions

Nano-gummies come in a very small container. It’s a plastic, rectangular cube. The smaller ends are the top and bottom. And every side is covered with information.

The labeling is pink in color. That’s because the flavor is watermelon. Other varieties of the treats have different colored labels based on their flavors.

The very top label is on the lid. It merely says ‘Urb Finest Flowers’.

Then on the front, the information starts with a small box. The box has an exclamation point and a small flame. It is unclear as to what that denotes. There is the company logo again like on top. Below that it states that these are nano-gummies. Then there is a declaration that they contain delta-8 THC. It also indicates the 100mg size of the container. And it gives the flavor as watermelon. Lastly it says there are 10 pieces at 10mg each.

Another side asks, ‘why nano?’ The answer is nano-processing, which enhances absorption because nano particles diffuse into your bloodstream directly. ‘Smaller particles, bigger effects’ it says below the explanation. There is then a hemp license number and a bar code. Beside that is a batch number with expiration date. Below that is a QR-code that links to the lab testing results online.

Then there is a panel on the next side with the ingredients and nutritional information. Turns out there’s 25 calories per gummy. And all of the nutrients are basically 0%. But the reason for eating these isn’t for the vitamins and minerals. It’s for the effects.

Alongside the nutrition panel is the web address for the Lifted Made parent company.

The final side panel indicates that there’s approximately 60m activation. That refers to the length of time the effects last. At least I think so. There is also a disclaimer that the product is not evaluated by the FDA. Dosing with the contents isn’t guaranteed to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. And there is a reassurance that all Lifted Made products are federally legal.

And on the very bottom are instructions for opening the container by squeezing the sides. And then resealing it by pushing the lid back down until it clicks shut. It states the weight of the individual gummies as 2 grams or 1 dram. The container is child-resistant. And there’s a symbol noting that they made the container from recycled plastic.

And that’s it for the packaging.

I removed the silver safety tape and popped it open. I looked inside to see two groups of green gummies joined together. Removing the jiggly treats from the container, I tore them apart to eat a gummy singly.

Smell and Taste

The best part of edibles is tasting them.

Before tossing one in my mouth and chewing, I noticed that there’s really no smell to them.

So I tried one. I let it set on my tongue for a moment. There’s not a strong taste at first. But when I began chewing on the gummy, that’s when I noticed the sweet watermelon taste. There is a bit of a strong sour aftertaste. And you can detect a hint of the hemp content. There’s a bit of earthiness to them.

Cupping my hand, I detected that sweet watermelon smell on my breath. That’s good because you may not want someone to notice a weedy odor when you exhale. No worries there.

Then I sat back and waited for the effects to kick in.

Testing Process and Experience

Okay, so did I get high. Yes, briefly. It took about quarter of an hour to really start to kick in, but there was a good buzz. There was even a bit of sublingual effect before that. Some of the gummy melts in your mouth as you chew.

The psychotropic fog lasted less than an hour, but the pain relief longer. Maybe two hours of benefit per gummy. There were a couple hours of mood elevation, too.

Doubling up on the dosage increases the initial high. That said, everything faded in about the same amount of time.

There was a bit of dry mouth and dry eyes side effect, It was more noticeable with a doubled dosage. But those things are remedied with water and eyedrops, respectively.

A single dose would be best if you have to be in public interacting with people. But at home, a double dose is doable if you tolerate it. I’d start slow and work my way up. I wouldn’t recommend taking more than two at once. You could get very high and maybe disoriented by taking too many at a time.

Final Verdict

These Urb delta-8 gummies did the trick. They give a pretty good initial high and beneficial effects that can last hours. They are sweet and tangy too, very tasty! Really, my only gripe is that the print on the packaging is pretty tiny. Especially the nutritional info and list of ingredients. I was able to read it all, however, using the magnifier app on my smartphone.
I have now vaped and ingested this cannabinoid. And I still say delta-8 is pretty great! And the gummies are really good!


  1. Posted by David and Leah Kaye Weathers on May 18, 2022

    The testing was done by Altitude Consulting and they give their name, physical address, and email address on the test results page for the gummies. Yes, you can search them on Google.

    We personally have tried the gummies and can attest that they worked as advertised. We experienced no ill effects.

    Hope that helps 🙂 🙂

  2. Posted by Adriana Riggi on November 29, 2021

    I had URB Gummies 1x loved them! It’s hard to get in NJ. I found 1 place 55 min away I’d rather order them ?

    • Posted by David and Leah Kaye Weathers on May 18, 2022

      If you have to go 55 miles, then I would definitely recommend ordering them here.

    • Posted by Deana Dutcher on August 12, 2022

      They were a complete bust for both my son and me. Absolutely no relief or sensation from them (4) gummies! Not being a sucker again, that’s for sure. I’m going to spread the word on this. They might have been good in the past. Maybe made sure you had a GOOD bottle. All I know now is that you get as much relief from an M&M as you will get from these gummies, for a whole lot less!

  3. Posted by Tyler on July 29, 2021

    Hey Dave & Leah,
    I was wondering what the content of the test results was from that QR code? Does it list a testing facility? Is that facility one you can pull up on Google? I’ve been made aware of some wary Delta-8 products and I’m trying to assertion the quality of Urb’s gummies.

    Thanks in advance,

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